Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sea Turtle!

Say "Hello" to Number One on my St. Kitts Bucket List....

To See a Sea Turtle While Snorkeling!

Other St. Kitts Bucket List activities include:

Zip lining
Return of my Parents to St. Kitts
Walking down the street without getting cat called or hit on
             and finally.....
Andee Passing 4 semesters of courses at UMHS!

Happy First of June Everyone!!


  1. Funny…Your number 4 is on my bucket list as well.

    Can you say the Aw-rie-bob-wa.

    If you say it slowly backwards, it sounds a liitle bit like “Turtle Soup”

    Janis ????
    Cassie ???
    Nick? ???
    Any Other Turtles ????

  2. Wpw!!!! I wanna see that turtle too. Maybe when we come In OCTOBER!!!! Yeah!!!!

    Love Mom

  3. Yay....and to see a sea turtle while snorkeling WITH A CAMERA IN YOUR HAND!!! We saw one in Mexico and it was so exciting!
    Happy 3rd of June!
