Monday, September 5, 2011

Canadian Summer

Ready?  It's a typical Canadian Summer in pictures!!  (Because it is a known fact that I am rarely seen without my camera, mini tripod, and 10-second timer...)

Our two week vacation started as usual with an obnoxious/awesome airport greeting...

Followed by a day at one of my favorite summer places to be up North, Jungle Cat World Zoo...

A day at the Exhibition filled with shows, games, and of course, our expertise claw machine skills...

Our First Anniversary Family Party at the trailer...

Watching the boys play softball with the Family...

The much anticipated and highly successful Album Release Party and concert of our best friend Dave and his band Icy Redd...

An 'amazing seats' Jays game with our best couple friends Dave and Arielle...

Couples bowling...

And to top it off, an engagement!!  Congratulations to the most amazing, choopiest friends ever!!

After missing the cottage for an entire summer, I finally got my cottage time in!  A Birthday party, bonfires, hanging out at the beach, and some family fun!

Well, there you have it, Canada in pictures!  We had an event filled and wonderful vacation spending time with our families and enjoying all that Canada has to offer - fast food, nice people, customer service, an abundance of Canadian flags and the word "eh", big city, suburbia, cottage country, the Toronto Blue Jays, free healthcare, and of course, our friends and family!!

As our last semester in St. Kitts has arrived, there is both a lot to do, and a lot to just sit around and enjoy before we enter extreme winter in Maine.  Let the tropical activities begin!!


  1. Loved the pics. :) Glad you're back!

  2. WOW...The pictures make Canada look fantastic!...I will have to visit this great country one day.
    ...And free health care to boot...Awesome!

  3. And you crammed all that into two weeks!!! Glad to hear that you and Andee arrived back safe and sound (and probably pooped!)

    So sorry that I won't be able to join your mom and dad with you in St. Kitts, but it is very likely that I will be on that bus with your mom to Portland, Maine. (Go figure).

    Enjoy the last semester!!

  4. Diana....

    What an awesome greeting your parents gave you at the airport. MacDonalds called..... and because of what your parents did..... you now get "free macdonalds" for the entire time that you're in Portland!!!! Awesome eh?

    You sure "packed in" alot of stuff in just 2 weeks!!!! it was great to see the both of you.

    Love.... someone other than your mom

  5. I miss you already!! :) Thank you for our Angelique's brekky date! Good luck this semester, Andee!

  6. Hey.. anonymous. I might remind you that it was also her sister who greeted you in the airport all dressed up and i might also remind you that it was infact that sisters idea to dress as mcdonalds items.
    it was a fun visit with you big sista from the same mister!
    Jungle Cat world was lots of fun (i just love cats so much... cant hug every cat), the fast food for every meal is always fun but then again i pretty much do that everyday ... aka why we are going to get fat.. and be cat ladys.
    The ex was also a ton of funzies! I think you won for the most animals... stupid claw machine. JOKES love the clam machine.
    I hope andee is feeling better from his baseball tumble and big juicy cuts!

    Cassie <3 DHSFLy (yo)
