Thursday, March 22, 2012

Surprise Summer!!

Out of sheer ridiculousness, on March 21 and 22, Maine experience a record high of 26°C (79°F) for two days in a row!!  INSANITY!!!  With the average high for March expecting a dismal 6°C, this kind of warm weather is so atypical and wonderful that I spent the entirety of this "summer" heat wave at the beach!  I got a little bit of my tan back, am looking slightly less sickly pale, and am completely refreshed and rejuvenated!  This warm streak should hold me for the next couple months until it warms up for good!  Best Spring Ever!!

Even Andee made it to the beach for a little R & R and Vitamin D!  And so did the majority of Maine!  People everywhere as if it were an actual summer's day!  Wonderful!!

That is all.  I just couldn't resist an excuse to talk more about the amazing warm weather and to post beach pictures of people wearing bathing suits as opposed to winter coats, mitts and scarves.  So Happy!! :)


  1. Hi Diana

    Great pictures.
    Glad you could enjoy the days!!!
    So many people on the beach.
    Amazing blue sky.


    Love Mom

  2. Hi Diana!
    Who would have thought that instead of booking February in Portland, we should have booked MARCH!!!???!! How great to see PEOPLE on the beach, when we only saw the occasional dog-walker lol! Seriously, glad to see the weather is co-operating for you...must be that southern U.S. hospitality! Your family will be down before you know it, so save some of that sunshine for them!!!
    Love, AA

  3. Looks like you never left the Island...Simply Unbelievable!!!!
