Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!!

With the recent heat wave the Northeast has been experiencing in full swing, the temperatures have well exceeded the average highs and have even been nice enough for somewhat enjoyable walks!  Unfortunately, living on the ocean almost guarantees a pretty significant wind chill, so the temperatures feel much cooler than they state on theweathernetwork.com.  But I will take what I can get!  This early Spring has gotten me so excited and optimistic not only about the lack of future snow, but the possibility of continuous above seasonal weather!  And after Spring comes SUMMER IN CANADA where Andee and I can enjoy beautiful weather, cottage trips, Jays games, and of course family and friends!  SO EXCITED!!!

As exciting as this next move is, we have grown quite fond of our new home!  Maine is absolutely beautiful, especially when you live on the ocean!  And the warm weather has escalated this beauty by allowing us to actually experience Maine outdoors!

And with The Rock Church and all its members and God at work here, it will definitely be hard to leave.  Who knows, maybe our journey will take us back!  This church is definitely special, and it is clear that Jesus is on the move in Maine!

Another amazing event that happens every Spring - BASEBALL SEASON!!  This weekend past, Andee and I were able to enjoy some Blue Jays Baseball on mlb.tv!  The new blue jerseys look great, and it was wonderful catching up with the players!  It has been a long winter without them, but with the summer ahead in Ajax, we will be soon seeing much more of them!

Countdown:  Just over a month until the arrival of the Aldridge Family!!  And with the arcade and amusement park beside us opening up in April, there will be many claw machine opportunities in our future!  With warm weather and such fun activities coming up, everything is so exciting!!


  1. The Blue Jays are doing so great this pre season!!!!

    The warms clothes are starting to come off in your beach pictures. I am waiting for a bathing suit photo.

    Good Churches can be so awesome!!!

    Love and miss you

    Love Mom

  2. I can't wait to visit, Diana!

    Will there be any animals in the claw machine left when we get there?
