Sunday, May 29, 2011

Farewell Janae!

The time has come again to say goodbye to another wifey and friend, Janae.  We have been celebrating and enjoying St. Kitts with her all this week, and are wishing her well on her voyage back to America!  In our fun filled week of St. Kitts adventures, not to mention over a year of past events and tropical memories, hopefully Janae will always look back on St. Kitts with love!  Here is our week!

On Tuesday, we celebrated our THIRD TRIVIA WIN in a row!  This has never happened to any team as far back as I have started playing, and it was a great way to celebrate Janae's final trivia night in St. Kiits!  And of course, we won yet another bottle of rum, which currently sits unopened in my fridge!  And Andee joined us!  What a great night!

On Wednesday, I dragged Janae out of bed at 8pm to take her to her last Karaoke night!  She was eventually appreciative of my efforts, and we had a great time singing and hanging out with the girls!

On Friday and Saturday, I attended a Retreat Weekend called Real Life/Real Impact with our church, Caribbean Christian Fellowship (CCF).  Everyone had an amazing weekend filled with great speakers, amazing food, excellent company, and great messages and learning in the Word of God.  It was an amazing experience that allowed us to be able to apply our giftings, especially those in the field of healthcare, to our Christian walk and daily living.  An unforgettable experience that I am so glad to have been a part of!

I made it home from the Retreat weekend just in time for Janae's going away party!  We played some electronic trivia at the Marriott, hung out with friends, and of course, danced and laughed the night away!  It was great spending time with Janae before she leaves for the good ol' U S of A!

It is now Sunday, and after attending a Retreat Weekend brunch with the Church, I am now relaxing, blogging, and remembering so many fun times had with friends on the Island!  Janae, we wish you love and prayer in your future plans, we love you, and we will miss you!

See you on the reunion cruise!!


  1. Wow Diana….3 Trivia wins in a row. Fantastic.!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a Trivia question for your team…

    What “desperate house wife team in St Kitts” holds the all time record for Trivia wins…Tough question but I am sure you will get it right….I have already put a call into the “New Guiness Book of Records.”

    Great karaoke shots and also great shots with Janae. You will always have the memories and the great pics, years to come.

    Maybe you should rename the “Island of St. Kitts” to the “Island of Fun” Every one wants to come, nobody wants to leave.

    Mom…Where are you????
    Cassie ????
    Nick ????

    See you soon Diana & Andee

    Love Dad

  2. Auntie Anne?????? Here!
    Second trivia question: "Which Desperate Housewife" got her start excelling at trivia at Auntie Anne's house on Boxing Day?"
    Way to go Diana!

  3. Great dedication to Janae! I'm going to miss her so much. *sigh*

  4. Goodbye Janae!
    Its always so sad when you have to lose a member of your little crew, Diana talks so nice about all of you girls and I know she is going to miss you tons!

    THIRD TRIVA WIN! Ahhhh you guys are the bomb! I bet the reason you won is because Andee knows everything. And I don’t mean just med school stuff.
    *Also I feel that I need to add that Andee and Trevs sister Nicole need to have a nerd off.. I was telling this to Rob and I think he would also be interested in joining the nerd off, he doesn’t feel that he would win however he would like to see how he can match up against the best!

    KAREOKEEEEEE. So remember when I said I was going to do karaoke? Ya my friend are lame slice and they would not do it. So I went home. I just want to sing my heart out. Gosh.

    Yay Christian retreats! Sounds exciting! I cant wait for my bible study group to start up again!

    REUNION CRUISE? Haha sounds great! Ill be there!

    Love you Di! Miss you and Andee! Mucho lovage!

  5. Hi Diana....

    Here's a trivia question......

    Whose Mom is going to visit the beautiful island of St. Kitts again in October?????

    Great Blog again

    Love Mom
